
About sports & investments

As we said in French “Après la pluie, le beau temps”… So, after the sadness and the tears related to the loss and mourning of Gigi Riva (Italy’s soccer record goal scorer on top of a legendary and faithful player of the Cagliari Calcio), Italian sport’s fans enjoyed and celebrated the great historical achievement of […]

Eternamente impegnati nell’entertainment

Opportunità interessanti in un’asset class ad alta richiesta Scritto da Patrick Emborg – Analista e Andrea Biscia, CFA – PrincipalTeam Private Markets Investment di DECALIA Entertainment: in costante richiesta Nel suo significato più ampio, l’industria dell’entertainment può essere definita come un fornitore di modalità di intrattenimento e svago destinate a milioni di persone in tutto […]

Does the end justify the means?

In a recent press release, the SNB published a preliminary version of its accounts for 2023. After losing CHF 132bn in 2022, it lost again circa CHF 3bn last year. To put these losses in perspective, they represent more than 15% of Swiss GDP and almost 4 times the AuM of Compenswiss (Swiss retirement compensation […]

DECALIA & Zero One Hundred Conference in Amsterdam

Save the date! 17 April 2024 Zero One Hundred Conferences (PE & VC Platform) Europe 2024, Nicolo Miscioscia, Head of Private Markets DECALIA will participate the panel on “Private Equity Fundraising: In search of new sources of #capital. Democratization of the industry”. See you in #Amsterdam! 🚀🚀 Register here 👉


I mercati finanziari in questo inizio 2024.Il commento di Edoardo Proverbio, Responsabile Area Investimenti di DECALIA SIM su Class CNBC.Grazie a Carla Signorile per l’invito! #MercatiFinanziari#equity#bond #2024

Un Natale rosso e oro

La stagione delle feste è arrivata e se n’è andata insieme alla consueta frenesia dello shopping. Quello che da tempo conosciamo come “Black Friday”, probabilmente dovrebbe essere ribattezzato “Red Friday”. Questo Natale, infatti, l’e-commerce ha assunto una veste decisamente transnazionale grazie all’effetto dirompente delle piattaforme cinesi, che hanno sfidato i limiti delle norme sui tassi […]

DECALIA shortlisted for European Investor

We would be honoured if you would consider voting for DECALIA in the Private Debt Investor Awards, where for the second year running we have been shortlisted for European Investor of the Year 2023 🔥🔥. You can vote by clicking the link below, and participating in the European section of the survey.👉 Thank you to all of our #clients, #partners and #team members who […]