
“Small is beautiful”: Un’immersione nella strategia DECALIA Circular Economy

Le attuali condizioni di mercato presentano una tesi convincente a favore di una maggiore esposizione alle small e mid cap. Di recente questi titoli hanno notevolmente sottoperformato le controparti più grandi, e questo potrebbe indicare che la recessione è già stata scontata. Inoltre, i loro rapporti di valutazione interessanti, insieme alla tendenza storica a dare […]

DECALIA Millennials – Invest in the next generation

The Millennials generation is described as the people born between 1980 and 2000. There are more than 2 billion Millennials in the world, and they represent one third of the world population. They are already the biggest workforce in America with $200 billion in annual purchasing power. By 2030, Millennials will account for 75% of […]

COVID-19: Remote Work, a new normal?

At the time of writing, more than 3 billion people are confined to homes across the world due to COVID-19. Remote work is now undoubtedly becoming the “new normal” for many businesses, even with the presence of children at home. Remote Work has always been one of the sub themes in our DECALIA Circular Economy […]

How I learnt to love confinement and live like a Millennial

At the time of writing, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Spain, and France have all gone on nation-wide lockdowns. The UK, and we assume many others, are likely to follow suit, soon. There is no precedent for almost entire populations working from home, with schools and borders shut. These are truly extraordinary times, and not a scenario […]