DECALIA is proud to have participated as finalists in the Real Deals ESG Awards 2024, in the category LP of the Year, Funds of Funds, for the third year in a row!
Thanks to Andrea Biscia, Reji Vettasseri and Franco Maria Faccechia for representing DECALIA at this prestigious event.
Reji Vettasseri, Lead Portfolio Manager of DECALIA’s private credit programme, shared:
“With 44% of capital in our flagship programme committed to impactful deals, we are committed to going beyond industry norms on ESG. We do not just passively invest in worthy projects, but actively seek to use the full range of tools available to private markets investors to drive positive change.”
It was a fantastic evening celebrating sustainability and ESG efforts in #PrivateEquity, and we are honored to be among those leading the way.

#RDESGAwards #ESG #PrivateCredit #PrivateDebt #FundsOfFunds #LPoftheYear #Sustainability #ImpactInvesting